Maximilian Theisen



Journal Articles

Theisen, M. & Germar, M. (2024). Uncertain facts or uncertain values? Testing the distinction between empirical and normative uncertainty in moral judgments. Cognitive Science. (Open Access)

Löloff, J.*, Theisen, M.*, Mertens, A., & Funke, J. (2023). Human-machine symbiosis: Ambivalent intuitions regarding gain and loss of personal control explain acceptance of smart mobility aids. Behaviour & Information Technology.

*Shared first authorship

Theisen, M. (2023). Metaethical intuitions in lay concepts of normative uncertainty. Philosophical Psychology. Advance online publication.

Mertens, A., Theisen, M., & Funke, J. (2021). Measuring Achievement, Affiliation, and Power Motives in Mobility Situations: Development of the Multi-Motive Grid Mobility. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 765627. (Open Access)

Theisen, M., Lerche, V., Krause, M. von, & Voss, A. (2021). Age differences in diffusion model parameters: A meta-analysis. Psychological Research, 85(5), 2012–2021. (Open Access)

Invited Talks

Theisen, M. & Andow, J. (2024). The exculpatory potential of moral ignorance: Evidence from a blame-updating paradigm. Talk at INCET, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.

Theisen, M. (2022). Towards a psychological understanding of normative uncertainty. Talk at the UK Experimental Philosophy Workshop, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.

Conference Contributions

Theisen, M. & Andow, J. (2024). The exculpatory potential of moral ignorance: Evidence from a blame-updating paradigm. Talk at the 4th European Experimental Philosophy Conference, Kraków, Poland.

Theisen, M. & Germar, M. (2023). Testing the empirical-normative distinction in moral uncertainty. Talk at the 3rd European Experimental Philosophy Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.

Theisen, M. & Germar, M. (2022). Making sense of moral doubt: The Moral Uncertainty Scale as a measure of empirical and normative uncertainty. Poster at the International Conference on Social Dilemmas 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Mertens, A., Theisen, M., & Funke, J. (2021). Measuring achievement, affiliation, and power motives in mobility situations: Development of the Multi-Motive Grid Mobility (MMG-M). Talk at the 63. TeaP, Ulm, Germany.

Theisen, M., Lerche, V., v. Krause, M., & Voss, A. (2019). Slower, but why? A meta-analysis on age differences in diffusion model parameters. Poster at the 50. Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group, Heidelberg, Germany.

Hellweg, C., Theisen, M., Ferdinand, N., & Bermeitinger, C. (2015). How does EmiL feel? Emotional implicit sequence learning. Talk at the 57. TeaP, Hildesheim, Germany.